Next month starts the new musical program of musica Extrema: Amor.
The book by the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez,
‘About the devil and other loves’, inspired Musica Extrema to make a
music program. The gripping story of the
untouchable and beautiful Sierva María is about romance,
drama and love. In Amor this story is told and musically
reinforced by the idiosyncratic ensemble Musica Extrema. U
will be taken by a dramatic story and by the
most beautiful South American melodies and songs.
Amor is Musica Extrema’s ninth theatre programme. Since the
set up in 2003, the group has undergone a development which has been in progress since its
least remarkable. The orchestra has played on practically all major and
small concert venues in the Netherlands, but also abroad they
have already been introduced to this ensemble several times.
From September Amor can be seen throughout the country.